Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016


Adalah pertanyaan yg jawabannya bukan YES/NO, tp perlu penjelasan.

Ada 9 WH yaitu: what, when, where, which, who, whom, whose, why, dan how

Pola :  S + VERB + O?

Contoh : What time is the seminar?                         It starts at 9 a.m
                When was he born?                                       He was born in 1998
                Where is your address?                                                I live at jalan Gunung Agung no. 34
                Which is your bag?                                          My bag in the blue one.
                Who closed the door?                                   Ina did
                Whose pen is this?                                          It is Ryan’s
                Why do you look so sad?                              Because I have a bad score.
                How much is this book?                                                It is Rp. 60.000

                How did you pay the electricity bill?         I paid on cash.

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